We have three youth groups at Bethlehem, senior high, middle school, and an upper elementary after school program called Ignite 4:6 for fourth through sixth grade. We’ve had to scale back how often we meet due to the pandemic. Here are how our three groups currently look like.
- Blaze 9:12–Senior High Youth group that meets 2-3 Wednesday nights a month with activity nights scheduled throughout the year.
- Fuel 6:8—Middle School Youth group that meets late afternoon/early evenings 2-3 times a month on a Sunday Night. Activity nights for this age group are also scheduled throughout the year
- Ignite 4:6–After School Program, every other Wednesdays from 3:30-5:00p.m. during the school year.
Our youth enjoy many other fellowship opportunities…
Ski Trips, Baseball Games, Water Parks, Valleyfair, ELCA Youth Gatherings, Bible Camps: Luther Crest, VBS, Service Projects, Middle School Mission Trip, and house boat trips just to name a few.
Confirmation-7th-9th Grade
Confirmation classes for 7th, 8th, & 9th graders are held on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00pm, September-May down in the Fellowship Hall. Students meet for a large group opening with a lesson taught. After the lesson, students break into assigned small groups guided by an adult leader to discuss the lesson and how it applies to their lives. Throughout the year, students have opportunities to work within their small group for service opportunities at the church and in the community. Supper is provided before class for anyone who would like to eat. 9th graders will also participate in a mentorship program and meet once a month with their mentors to dive deeper into different topics around their faith. Starting in January, 9th graders work on their faith statements which are presented before they are confirmed in the spring of their 9th grade year.