New! Bethlehem Kids Choir
1-2 Wednesdays a month from 5:00-5:30pm

Bethlehem is excited to introduce a new music opportunity for our elementary students and friends! Grades 1-6 are invited to join this group that will rehearse on most first and third Wednesdays of the month from 5:00-5:30pm, following the new Spark 1:3 Kids Club, and perform in worship throughout the school year. Tentative schedule is listed below. Music is a significant part of worship life and is a way we can grow in love for Jesus, we hope your child can join us! This choir will be directed by Ashley Sands. Sign-up here

Fall Session Dates:
– September 18
– October 2
– October 23
– November 6
– November 20
– November 24 (Sunday Worship)
– December 4
– December 15 (Sunday Worship & Bethlehem’s Christmas Program)

Spark 1:3 Kids Club
1-2 Wednesdays a month from 3:30-5:00pm

First, Second, and Third Graders! Grab a friend and come over to Bethlehem for Spark 1:3 Kids Club. This group will meet 1-2 times per month on Wednesdays throughout the school year. Students will be picked up from Kennedy Secondary School (by carpool or arranged transportation) and the club will run until 5pm. This time together is a great way for kids to mix fun and faith as they grow. Parents, please let the office or Pastor Eliza know that your child will be attending and if you are available to help with the carpool. If your child plans to bring a friend that is awesome, just give us the name of who to pick up!

Fall/Winter 2024
– September 18
– October 2
– October 23
– November 6
– November 20
– December 4
– December 18

Itty Bitty Book Club

Itty Bitty Book Club is back for a new year! If you have a little one who isn’t yet to Sunday School age (3 years old), please join in. Through a combination of monthly gatherings and a subscription option, help your little one learn more about Jesus and their faith. Here are the details:

  1. Monthly GatheringsThe Itty Bitty Book Club will meet at Bethlehem three Sundays this fall. On the 2nd Sunday of each month, the gathering dates are: October 13, November 10, and December 8. We meet from 9:45-10:15am in the Mother’s room behind the sanctuary.
  2. Subscription Pack – The Itty Bitty Book Club subscription pack is available if you want to bring these stories and corresponding faith practices into your home! For $27 you will receive the three books (one per month) and a curated activity and spiritual practice for you to engage with your child at home. If you choose this option, you can pick up your pack at the monthly gatherings or they will be mailed to your home that week. You do not have to be a member of Bethlehem to sign up for a Subscription Pack! This could be an awesome gift for a godchild, grandchild or friend.

Registration is required for the Subscription Pack. Cost is $27. Click here to register. Payment can be dropped off at the church office or made online using the DONATE button at 

Middle School AMP’d (Activity, Movie, Pizza)!
Friday September 13, Friday October 4, Friday November 15

All current 6th-8th graders are invited to come to Bethlehem for a night filled with fun activities, a movie, and Pizza! All you need to bring is shoes that you can run in, a competitive spirit, a friend or two, and $5 to help offset the cost of pizza! If you have any questions, please contact Ken Dessellier.

Ignite 4:6 Youth Group
Every Wednesday starting
September 11
from 3:30-5:00pm

We will pick up any 4th-6th grader around 3:30 at school and bring them to the church with the Bethlehem Bus. We will meet all the students at the Southwest corner of the school by the gym after the buses have started to leave the parking lot. We will have time for a devotions, activities, and a snack! Come check it out and make sure to bring a friend or two!




Blaze Senior High Youth Group
Every Wednesday starting
September 11
from 3:30-5:00pm

Join us for a time filled with conversation, activities, service, fellowship, and some snacks! Anyone who is in 9th-12th grade is welcome to join! Come check it out and bring a friend! Talk with Ken Dessellier if you have any questions.





Join us for M.O.B. Men of Bethlehem Bible Study Thursdays, 7:00am at Toast.

Adult Bible Study – Tuesday’s in the Text
Two Options to attend:

Women’s Study starts Tuesday, September 10 – 9:00-10:30 a.m.
Noon Study starts Tuesday, September 10 – 12:00-1:00 p.m.

Come engage in “Tuesdays in the Text” as we study the Bible, draw from spiritual resources and readings and share in conversation. If you’ve found yourself more familiar with the New Testament of the Bible than the Old Testament, Tuesday’s is for you. We will focus on the scriptures and themes of the Old Testament. Old Testament stories reveal who God is. The steadfast love of God comes alive in the many stories of the Old Testament as the Israelites repeatedly discover that God is faithful. Come to think of it. We all have an Old Testament, an Old Story that longs to be made new. Join “Tuesdays in the Text” for learning and fellowship. Study materials will be handed out when we gather.

Adult Bible Study – By Heart on Wednesday Nights 
Starts Wednesday, September 18 – 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Occasionally people ask for adult confirmation. Maybe you did not have  an opportunity to study the catechism (basic teaching of the faith) when you were a youth, or you wonder about what you missed or what you might learn differently now as an adult. On Wednesday nights concurrent with confirmation classes for our youth there will be an Adult Study. We will study the same themes as the students in confirmation using  scripture and  a series called By Heart: Conversations with Martin Luther’s Catechism. All are welcome.