Advent Dinner Church

Wednesday, December 4 at 6:30pm

All are invited to a Dinner Church for all ages to sing carols and prepare our hearts and church for this special time of year. The evening will be hosted in the fellowship hall with a light meal and time for fellowship along with song. BYOI – bring your own instrument if you would like to join in!

Click here to sign up. Free will offering for the meal.
We are also looking for people to bring Christmas cookies or treats for the meal. If you would like to bring 2 dozen treats please indicate when you sign up. Thank you!

Thanksgiving Eve Worship

You are invited to join the
Fergus Falls ELCA Churches for a Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service at Augustana Lutheran on
November 27 at 6:30pm.

We will host Olivia Zuehlsdorff, Crime Victim Advocate from Someplace Safe. Join us for a time of worship in thanks to God and a chance to learn more about this essential social ministry in Fergus Falls. A Special Offering will be taken during worship to support Someplace Safe’s work in Fergus Falls. A time for pie and fellowship will follow worship.

Volunteers Needed!

Volunteers are needed for Sunday  morning worship. Needed are ushers, greeters, readers, communion helpers, sound, screen and live stream operators. Volunteers will be given detailed instructions. If you are willing to volunteer please contact the church office at  736-5614, or click here. Thank you!

Bethlehem Lutheran Church

A Family Of Believers United in Jesus Christ

Worship Schedule

  • 8:30am Traditional Worship Service, also broadcast on KBRF 1250 AM & live streamed on our Facebook page.
  • 10:30am Non Traditional Worship Service (September-May)

Click Here to listen live to KBRF 1250 AM

Click here for live stream (our Facebook Page)

Welcome to 
Bethlehem Lutheran Church!

At Bethlehem, we are a community of faith, a Christian family united in Jesus, called to worship, fellowship, growth and service. If you are a visitor to our church, the “I’m New” tab above is a great place to learn more about our Bethlehem family. Thanks for visiting!


102 West Junius Ave
Fergus Falls MN 56537

Get In Touch

We would love to hear from you.