2025 Lent Mid-Week Worship Series

Wednesday Worship Rotation
12:10pm Worship with Meal to Follow
5:30pm Meal, 6:30pm Worship

March 5 (Ash Wed.)      Bethlehem
March 12                      Bethlehem
March 19                      Augustana
March 26                                Zion
April 2                          Augustana
April 9                          Bethlehem

When so many people identify themselves as Christian how can we spend some time thinking deeply about what we really believe? What is the what? What are the foundational beliefs and how are they living and moving with us as we change and grow?

Faith is passed down from generation to generation – it’s an unbroken line of ancestry that connects us all the way back to Jesus. The powers of the world wanted to break Jesus and yet this faith that we rest on is strong enough that they couldn’t do it. We are a part of this great tradition that will not and cannot be broken.

This Lent, Augustana, Bethlehem, and Zion Lutheran churches will explore “A Living Catechism” together. As we are part of this unbroken chain of faith, we will reflect and worship together as “both/and” people.
– We value both Wisdom and Innovation.
– We are individuals with gifts and unique abilities and we are a part of a Community that is much larger than any one of us.
– We are Rooted and Growing.
– We are Grounded in Tradition and always Reforming.

We hope that you become a part of Lent at Bethlehem. Whether worshipping with us on Sundays or traveling to our partner congregations and being part of our greater community of faith, this Lent there is a place for you here. We can’t wait for you to be a part of it.