Ryan Anderson
I am Ryan Anderson and I have been serving as a church council member since 2019. I have also been involved with assisting with the livestream of the worship services. I moved to Fergus Falls and joined Bethlehem in 2012. I am married to Leah and we have three children, Lauren, Saul, and Clara. I am the Backhoe Loader Platform Director at CNH Industrial. I enjoy spending time outside on the water, and on the snow.
Ryan Drews
Jennifer Frank

Dennis Gullickson
My name is Dennis Gullickson. I was born in Fergus Falls and have lived here except for 10 years through the 60’s and 70’s. I was Baptized in Bethlehem Lutheran and it has always been our home church. My wife Sandy and I have been married for 55 years. We have 2 Children, Corey and Sarah and 7 grandchildren. I worked in the IT and Security business for 40+ years. We were fortunate in my later career that my work allowed us to spend time in several countries. We lived in England and Scotland for over a year, in the Netherlands for almost three years. We lived 6 months in Australia and 6 months in Ukraine and traveled for shorter periods in France, Germany, Sweden, Russia and Chile. Sandy is from South Korea so we have also spent time there. I spent 21 years in active and reserve duty in the Army and retired from that service with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. We been now both been fully retired for several years. I Enjoy Fishing, Hunting and reading. Sandy spends her time gardening, cooking and sewing. We both enjoy time with our grandchildren and watching them participate in sporting events.
Jenni Jensen
Leon Keller

Scott Kummrow
My name is Scott Kummrow and I have been serving on the church council since 2020. I have spend most of my life in Bethlehem Lutheran Church. I like to tell people that I was baptized, confirmed and married at Bethlehem. My wife, Belinda, and I have two boys Ezekiel and Gabriel. Zeke is 9 years old and Gabriel was born in March of 2022. Our favorite activities include travel, board games and connecting with our friends (sometimes via travel and board games!). I teach music in the Fergus Falls Public Schools and my wife is a chiropractor.
Ken Martin
Hello, I am Ken Martin, and this is my first year on church council. I am an Ashby native, and currently living in rural Rothsay. I have an amazing family, my wife Emily and four Kids; Summer 14, Hunter 12, Oliver 4 and Tucker 2. We are a busy family with school, sports and more outdoor activities than you can imagine. We spend as many weekends as we can Camping on our land by Ashby. During the week I work as a commercial tire sales rep. In my spare time I coordinate the Phelps Mill Art Festival as Festival Manager

Tim Rogelstad

Margo Schuetzle
Hi my name is Margo Schuetzle. I have been a member of Bethlehem Lutheran Church for 57 years. I love my church family and now I would like to introduce myself as a candidate for Our Church Council. I feel I have time and energy to commit and be of service to our Church. I currently serve on the Alter Guild and had been a Sunday school teacher many years ago when I had lots of energy and small children. I have volunteered for a variety of organizations over the years serving as President of the T & C Saddle Club several times, CFO for the 4-H building project and President of a local Union AFSCME. I am a life member of the VFW and served as member of the Eagles Auxiliary for 56 years. For a couple of years Roger and I cooked for the Red Cross blood drive. We also do help out with the Meals on Wheels once in a while.
I have lived in Fergus Falls all my life. My husband Roger and I have been married for 47 years. Roger is a retired lineman from OTP after 36 years. My life’s work besides being a mom was 26 years as a Minnesota State employee. I worked 20 years at The Fergus Falls Regional Treatment Center and 6 years at the MN. Department of Public Safety. Roger and I both retired early in 2002. We are happily retired. After years of working, running kids to ball games, horse shows, rodeos, trail rides, 4-H activities and school activities I now love to continue to help others, cook, bake, grow beautiful flowers, take pictures and travel. After enjoying a few trips ourselves to Alaska, Europe, Washington DC, Mexico, Panama Canal and South America we started to take grandkids trips during our retirement. By that I mean we took the grandkids on summer vacations to places like The Minnesota Zoo, Science Museum, the Iron range, the Soudan Mine, Duluth and the north shore. We ventured out to the Black Hills, Yellowstone, Medora, the Rocky Mountains, Las Vegas, The Grand Canyon, Glacier Nat. Park in Montana, Alberta Canada, to Banff Lake Louise the Ice fields and British Columbia. We traveled to Idaho, Washington State the Space Needle, the Oregon Pacific coast, Mt St Helens, the California Redwoods and Crater Lake. A cruise to Atlantis in the Bahamas was our last trip before College and Covid changed things. They were fabulous trips that the grandkids still rave about. Our son Jason and wife Danielle are members of Bethlehem and are busy pursuing life. Their twin sons Blake and Blayne are finishing college in engineering at NDSU.
Our daughter Kari and her Husband Eric Nelson are also members and busy pursuing life with a daughter Rachel in College at UND Grand Forks. She is pursuing a career in Investigation and Criminal Justice, and a son Ryan a junior in Fergus Falls High School. He is still chasing Varsity hockey pucks, soccer balls and golf. I have three children from a previous marriage and they all live away from here working through life like the rest of us.
We face many challenges in today’s world. Not one of the least of these is diversity and the methods of multi-generational existence and understanding. Communication is the key here. I believe in team meetings where all options are up for consideration discussed and what’s best for the Church as a whole is realized. With God’s grace, promises, our hands and prayers we shall all be the Christians we want to be. Wishing you a blessed day. Margo Schuetzle

Mark Schulz
My name is Mark Schulz and I am in my first year serving on the church council. In September 2019, my family and I moved from Watertown, South Dakota to Fergus Falls to take a job at Lake Region Healthcare in the anesthesia department. I am originally from West Point, Nebraska. Go Big Red! My wife Amy and I have been married for 15 years and we have one daughter Evelyn who is 14. In my free time I enjoy traveling, hunting (especially archery), and fishing.

Chris Swanson
Hello! My name is Chris Swanson, and I am serving my 1st year on the church council. I have lived in Fergus Falls for 25 years and have been a member of Bethlehem Lutheran Church since 2017. I was previously a member at First Lutheran Church in Fergus falls. I am married to Sarah Swanson and we have 1 son, Ezra who is 17 months and a German Shepherd, Cecil who is 3 ½. I am a financial advisor at Ameriprise Financial. As a family we enjoy hiking, traveling and spending time at the lake.

JoEllen Thacker
Hi, I am JoEllen Thacker and was elected in January to serve on the church council. My husband is Mike and we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary this past January, and we joined Bethlehem in approximately 1975. We have two sons, David and Jared, who both live in town. We have 7 grandchildren: Dyson, Sydney, Landon, Josh, Reese, Izaiah, and Mazie along with two bonus grandchildren, Trinity and Keisen. In 2007, both Mike and I took early retirement, he from Otter Tail Power Company, and I from the City of Fergus Falls, where I had worked for almost 22 years. We own a lake cabin on South Turtle Lake and enjoy spending time there in the summer. The past few years we have enjoyed attending Landon’s sporting events (but now he will be graduating from high school). We spend as much time as possible with Izaiah and Mazie, who are only 4 and 2. I also enjoy reading and traveling.